Your search resulted in 2 documents for "DIN EN 881" amongst all current DIN documents.


Search Results

  1. DIN EN 61472 - DRAFT

    Draft Document - Live working - Minimum approach distances for AC systems in the voltage range 72.5 kV to 800 kV - A method of calculation (IEC 78/881/CD:2011)

    standard by DIN-adopted European Standard, 08/01/2011.

    Languages: German, English

  2. DIN EN 17034

    Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride anhydrous, aluminium chloride basic, dialuminium chloride pentahydroxide and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate

    standard by DIN-adopted European Standard, 03/01/2018 in English, German.

    Languages: English,German

    Historical Editions: DIN EN 17034 - DRAFT (2016)DIN EN 881 (2005)DIN EN 883 (2005)